Combating work-from-home burnout image represented by woman with face down on computer.

8 Useful Tips to Combat Work-from-home Burnout

If you’ve ever experienced work-from-home burnout, then you know the feeling. Trouble focusing, restlessness, headaches, and even a surge in illness can be common symptoms.  I know what burnout feels like, and I am so thankful to have discovered some methods for combating the overwhelming problem of work-from-home burnout.  However, the solution did not come overnight. As with most things, I had to go through a period of trial and error before finding effective solutions.   Tired? Drink more coffee. Trouble focusing? Chide yourself and keep going anyway, or worse yet, give in to procrastination. Restless? Headaches? Illness? Medicate and move on.  Quick fixes help for a time. But here is the problem: the symptoms always come back. So, for me, …

8 Useful Tips to Combat Work-from-home Burnout Read More »

10 Indoor Activities to Keep Kids Busy While Working from Home 1

10 Indoor Activities to Keep Kids Busy While Working from Home

As a work-from-home mom, finding activities that would keep my kids happily entertained long enough for me to get something accomplished was quite a challenge. I am thrilled to share 10 of my kids’ favorite indoor activities. Give them a try; I’m sure your kids will have a blast too—and maybe you will be able to work in peace for more than 15 minutes without interruption. It’s a win-win for everyone!