Positive Parenting During Teen Years

Positive Parenting During Teen Years: 13 Quick Tips for Working Moms

Positive parenting during teen years might come naturally, especially if you implemented positive parenting during childhood. The main goal of positive parenting is to foster a healthy relationship between parent and child that’s founded on mutual respect and safety. If you have that bond with your teen, you will weather the changes of adolescence together—and it might not be as difficult as you think. What if you’re new to positive parenting? Not to worry! It’s never too late to learn. Here are some easy ways to use positive parenting during teen years—even as a busy, work-from-home mom. Positive Parenting During Teen Years: (Age 12-17) Do you remember what it was like to be a teenager? It’s probably a good idea …

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Positive Parenting for Middle Childhood

Positive Parenting for Middle Childhood: 20 Top Work-from-home Tips

Positive parenting for middle childhood—it’s just as important and useful now as it was during early childhood. Although the days of diaper changes, sippy cups, and toddler tantrums are slipping away, as a work-from-home parent, you have plenty of challenges ahead of you. With these positive parenting practices in place, you can continue to grow your career while providing your child with the best life possible. Positive Parenting for Middle Childhood: Ages 6-8 Watching your baby transform into a “big kid” is amazing. You’re proud of how much they have learned, how responsible they are becoming, and the unique personality and gifts that are beginning to blossom. Communicating with your child is also easier, yet they are still young enough …

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Positive Parenting for Early Childhood text with image of family smiling.

Positive Parenting in Early Childhood: My 11 Best Work-from-home Tips

Positive parenting is catching on, and for good reason. As a working mom, I know that it can be difficult to manage the challenges of parenting when working from home. Positive parenting for early childhood is a great way to meet that challenge head-on. If you’re like me, you might worry that you aren’t giving your children enough time and focus. You might also struggle with proper discipline or keeping up with your child’s developmental milestones. Positive parenting strategies provide useful insight into childhood development and techniques for ensuring the emotional and physical well-being of our children—and these strategies are simple enough for us busy work-from-home parents to implement.   So, as one working parent to another, I want to …

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